Monday, June 9, 2014

Film Freak 2014 - Maleficent {2D}

What happen's when a Disney film is a little dark and the "villain" in the film, actually isn't so bad? You get Maleficent. A Sunday afternoon and the 2:30pm session is almost sold out so the 2:40pm (close to full also) session it is.

The real winner on the Long weekend is the cinema with X-Men, a new Cruise action film, Maleficent and Bad Neighbours plus the smaller features out there looking for your cash the only winner is the cinemas and there $10 popcorns.

So back to the film, this is really a young adult tale not an under 10 tale as it's largely dark and Jolie is sort of wicked sort of kind and thoughtful.

I have heard mixed things about the film so I expected very little so I was pleasantly surprised by how visually stunning this film as and how much I enjoyed it's 90 minute stay on the screen:

I must be honest I was conscious of the time of the film as there were moments where I could feel myself wishing Disney would just wrap it up, but as soon as the colours and the spectacular array of creatures were back on the screen it was largely enjoyable.

So if you have a young teen to entertain on this the Queen's birthday give Maleficent a shot.

I give this 3 fairy loving over a Queen's Birthday (how camp does that sound) Long Weekend bright shiny stars.

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