Saturday, June 20, 2015

Anh Do is....

One of the nicest, most humble, inspiring, talented and down to Earth men I have ever heard speak before in front of a large audience. And believe it or not I have seen the Dalai Lama speak before too.

So last night at Sydney's Event Centre, I FINALLY saw the Happiest Refugee Live. This show by Anh Do based on his award winning fabulous book (and the last full book I have read (I read it in one night - whilst doing a sleep study) since high school) is ever changing and growing with the new fact Russell Crowe is a fan and he wants to turn it into a film. Finally a good idea from a book as an Aussie film.

I have long loved Australian cinema (which the Do family is no stranger to - Footy Legends and TV movies/series - Better Man and Schapelle) but there is something lacking right now. Other than the kids hit Paper Planes and the upcoming play to screen conversions Holding the Man and Ruben Gutherie, it's a dry spell for Aussie films. Mad Max is a breakout hit, however this has such an international feel it's hardly a tale about Australia. The Happiest Refugee, a country of immigration, that's a story about Australia and I for one can't wait.

Back to the show, I had no fear about this show, I knew it would be great. And add a catered suite to the evening it was a perfect night - thanks SAID - darling boy!

Anh Do is a legend, Anh's mother is a god damn inspiration and Anh's brother Khoa is one extremely talented and from all accounts (Young Australian of the Year 2005) lovely guy and Anh's sister is extremely beautiful. Not to mention Anh's own family with wife Suzie and children they are amazing. Anh is a reminder of what can happen with successful immigration policies, look at him, last night to a sold out theatre inspiring a full room full of people to follow their dreams, despite what is set to challenge them.

Khoa could have been thrown overboard and died by Thai Pirates, but he survived, created a truly brilliant masterpiece in Better Man and today continues to work with disadvantaged people in our community.

An inspiring family, a beautiful night, a must see, it's on at the Concourse, Chatswood TONIGHT or the tour continues HERE.

I LOVE comedy, but this was comedy mixed with a great message, Anh a flawless and truly heartfelt show.

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