Monday, May 30, 2016

That Movie Gay #2016

Have you ever seen a film and smiled ear to ear for it's entire runtime? Welcome to HUNT FOR THE WILDERPEOPLE.

Another great Kiwi film from the writer/producer of BOY, which I loved a few years back. Also fun seeing Stan Walker making it onto the screen after the less than successful Kiwi dance Born to Dance a little while back.

Getting more PR than most Aussie films, Hunt for the Wilderpeople is one of those films the media has fallen 100% in love with and why wouldn't they. The scenery is heaven, the jokes are thick and fast and the centre of this film has such great heart.

I enjoyed every moment of this beautiful little story (yes I said little it's no X-Men, Captain America or Ninja Turtles) about a teen, growing up and discovering the wild and family.

Sam Neill is great as Uncle but young Julian Dennison steals the ENTIRE show! Just brilliant but be warned if your a dog/animal fan there is some scenes which are slightly upsetting.

Anyway all in all, this is a lovely little film, 3.75 Stars.

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