Saturday, January 12, 2019

Cinema Slut #2019 - Instant Family

Feel good movies, sometimes they are shit or sometimes they just make you smile and maybe even cry a little....

Instant Family, well....

I loved it, smiled ear to ear and was at a point where tears were forming.

I have always loved Rose Byrne, had mixed feelings of late about Marky Mark so this was to be a no brainer.

Marky Mark has done a lot, underwear model, recording artist, main man movie star and TV producer. Rose Byrne equally as fab, from Damages on TV to her early roles in Two Hands with Heath Ledger and apparently she worked at Bakers Delight in Balmain.

The two are joined by the extremely beautiful Octavia Spencer and a great Grandma Sandy role by The Americans villain Margo Martindale.

If you watch the trailer, you get it, this film came out late 2018 in the US of A and has been met with fairly nice reviews. It's a nice film, it's easy viewing, the two leads are delightful and some nice messages come out of this film which banked on getting a later release in the school holidays.

After Mary Poppins and Aquaman have done great business this is a film for all ages and even folks in the mid thirties like me.

It's heartfelt, fun and very sweet, Instant Family gets four solid family fun stars.

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