Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Mid Week Hello

So the Spring that promised warmer weather (in Sydney) has gone for a holiday and School Holidays have begun, ehhhhhhh but it's mid week, it's pay day and after forecasted rain for yesterday and today, it's actually sunny. So I am looking up, it's been a huge past few months for me, I have lost a family member, had a mother with three broken limbs and been made redundant so apologies if you are reading this out there and wondered where on Earth and WTF is Randy old Andy up too.

Well here's to a new start, heres to going to Bali on Halloween and having a few days in the sun, here is to a new year and new starts.

I can't say it hasn't been hard the past few months but I could be a lot worse off, I could be a refugee in Europe, I could have a life threatening illness, but truth be told without sweets in my life, I am at my fittest, best weight and feeling great. Clear thinking without shit food is a lot easier than eating badly with a foggy mind.

I don't want to get all Biggest Loser on your asses but really and truly you shit and drink shit you will probably feel shit, and that's for real. No scientific language no long winded explanation, it's simple, shit = shit.

So I am going to try and lay off the bad stuff for another month (September + October sweet free) and see the difference. I feel my mind is so much more open and free and let's be honest with only a few more weeks of work left I really need a clear mind to get something new to sink my teeth into.

Life is great if you make it great, we have a new PM in Australia (seeya laters Abbott, it was shit while it lasted), Summer is coming and you know how excited I am about all the new and great TV on the way. And how good was yesterday's Laneway line up. Over on Flashing off the Record I gave the spotlight to Festivals this last Sunday but here is an extension of that with my Laneway Hot 5:

1. Shamir - hailing from North Las Vegas, this mega talented 20 year old will hit the stage @ Laneway early next year.

2. The Internet - hailing from LA this gang of cool kids will so bring it next year and I plan I being up near the front of the crowd for this killer group during "Girl".

3. Hermitude - travelling down from Sydney's Blue Mountains, these dudes are all killer and no filler and easily on top of the Aussie dance scene right now!

4. Flume - Oh hail King Flume, he is back and I'm excited, his debut album was SO amazing and I am so excited to see this Northern Beaches youngster.

5. Grimes - hailing from my second home Vancouver, BC, Grimes will smash it on the Laneway stage.

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