Monday, June 11, 2018

Movie Matinee Madness - Solo: A Star Wars Story

Donald Glover, YASS! I never knew Woody Harrelson had such a big role in this film and from time to time you do see a younger Harrison Ford when Alden Ehrenreich is on the screen as Solo.

Origin stories have been done a million times before, for superheros and comic books but Star Wars is only just going there and to be honest I liked this.

It hasn't been the biggest Star Wars film at the box office (doesn't help it is against The Avengers plus Deadpool 2)

I lost it for the last Star Wars story Rogue One, I rated it my favourite film of 2016 and actually saw it twice.

I honestly can not see myself seeing this twice as I am still unsure if I am seeing Gringo today to make it a triple film long weekend.

Donald Glover is on a roll, This is America is easily on of the biggest songs of 2018, Atlanta on FX has just been renewed for a third season after a hugely successful second season and he shines as Lando Calrissian.

Lando is the standout (alongside early days Chewy) and hopefully he could get a spin off, or like Wikipedia says a sequel to this story? It doesn't feel finished and it looks like a set up to an early Solo era.

We have till wait till 2020 for a Boba Fett film (which honestly I cannot wait for) and Christmas 2019 for the conclusion of the latest trilogy. So really there is more Star Wars around the corner, just a little way off.

Until then go on support Solo, it's not as perfect as Rogue One, but it's more fun and I see where they are going with this. 4 Stars for taking me back to my childhood mid June Long Weekender.....

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