Sunday, July 21, 2024

Post Strike Cinema 24' - Sting

Sting is an Aussie film, however it's set in Naw York, in a similar street/block to the Servant set back on Apple TV+.

Written & directed by Kiah Roache-Turner, the film stars Packed to the Rafters vet, Ryan Corr, Alyla Browne, Penelope Mitchell, Robyn Nevin, Noni Hazelhurst, Silvia Colloca, Danny Kim, and Jermaine Fowler. 

Yes theatre legend Robyn Nevin and Better Homes & Gardens queen, Noni Hazelhurst star in a creature feature, horror film.

Sad thing is the film following Charlotte (like Charlotte's web maybe?) who secretly raises a spider as her pet, which then transforms into a giant monster, is just not that scary.

So why is this film, largely following Charlotte, a rebellious 12-year-old girl lives in a dilapidated New York apartment building not scary?

She lives with overworked step-father, Ethan (Corr), her mother Heather and baby half-brother Liam.

When Charlotte stumbles upon a tiny spider hatched from a strange, glowing object that crash-lands in her great-aunt's apartment. At the top of the film a news broadcast is playing. So yes we understand that the spider does in fact come from space. WHAT?

Charlotte then decides to keep the spider as a pet, naming it Sting. Sting two or Sting again has a decent ring for the sequel which could be in the works given the cliffhanger, TV style ending.

Over four days Charlotte cares for Sting, the spider begins to grow at an alarming rate. She initially keeps its size a secret, but as it becomes more difficult to hide, her father and neighbours start to notice strange occurrences around the building. 

Sting's growing size and insatiable appetite soon lead to the death of pets (sweet bird) and residents. Charlotte's relationship with her step-father is strained over the reality of her biological father. During a meltdown from Ethan, Sting attacks both parents while Charlotte is nearby oblivious with her brother. Yes noise cancelling headphones can muffle attempted murder by a giant spider.

So that is enough spoilers for now. So sadly I wanted to like this. I love Nevin. But this just didn't work on a number of levels. The setting in the USA, the spider from space, it was all a bit much. Not to mention (again) but its just not scary.

Sadly Australian cinema needs to deliver more than this to get Aussies back at the cinema to see homegrown series.

1.5 Stars.

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