Sunday, October 13, 2024

Summer Streamin' 24 - Last King of the Cross - Season Two

Last King of the Cross has just concluded its action pack second season. Following John Ibrahim's (Lincoln Younes) established empire in King's Cross, Ibrahim sets his sights on 1990s Oxford Street in Sydney. When Mardi Gras was pumping and lockout laws were something reserved for the Handmaid's Tale.

The second season commenced it's slightly shorter season late August. It's now done leaving with a real cliffhanger along with more drama tipped still to come.

Paramount+ used to have a lot more Australian dramas on offer, however with Five Bedrooms concluding and NCIS: Sydney also appearing on Channel Ten and CBS in the States, this is one of the only remaining, ongoing local dramas.

 I enjoyed the look at my old haunt, Oxford Street this season as Ibrahim turned his eye to a new patch.

Ibrahim found himself against fellow club owner, Naveen Andrews as Ray Kinnock. While season two also brings popular actor, Luke Arnold as Dean Taylor. Arnold also stars in the recent SBS series, I loved Four Years Later.

This season really (towards the last few episodes) focused on a number of violent crimes. So it brings me to ask, is celebrating criminals on TV OK? Well it sure is popular, true crime.

Ibrahim has always positioned himself as a businessman, however in season two, he plays out more like a criminal.

The weakest link this series had to be the Kylie Sandilands connection. That was really off.

However seasoned actors like Younes, Andrews and Arnold made for a well rounded season, showcasing when Sydney used to have a nightlife, a pulse or as those in power call a "Nighttime economy".

Sadly Sydney's economy passed 10pm goes till sleep till the next day post COVID, lockout laws and the light rail construction.

Apparently Last King of the Cross was conceived as a 3 season kinda show,  however with Paramount+/Channel 10 already doing their upfronts presentation, with no mention of a third season. We will have to wait patiently for news on a third run. Till next time!

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