Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Winter's Cumin' Streaming 24' - After the Party - Season One

After the Party is currently airing 8:30pm Sunday on ABC, or all episodes are now streaming on iView.

The New Zealand six-part drama TV series co-created by Robyn Malcolm and Dianne Taylor, also stars Malcolm as the lead with Peter Mullan. 

The miniseries/one season wonder series aired back in October last year in the NZ, on TVNZ.

After the Party follows, partly through flashbacks, a family crisis that evolves following a drunken party, at which mother and grandmother Penny Wilding (Robyn Malcolm) sees something which causes her to accuse her husband, Phil (Peter Mullan), in front of all of the guests, of inappropriate behaviour. 

The show begins when Phil returns to town after having been overseas for five years, to see his daughter, Grace, and grandson Walt.

The series also stars Tara Canton, Dean O’Gorman and Catherine Wilkin. Malcolm has said that there will not be a second series.

After the Party gives the viewers a question to answer across the six episodes. Do you believe Penny or not? You shift your opinion across the episodes, however episode six drops a real truth bomb! No spoilers here.

This was absolutely terrific! For my RATED post (coming in July) for the Winter's Cumin' Streaming 24' series, After the Party will feature definitely in the top 10!

Across the six episodes, flashback scenes are used to explore with the at the party, leading toe Penny's  stubborn, hot-tempered, flawed behaviour across the season. 

Robyn Malcolm really delivers a killer performance. This was brilliant. I was hooked, powering through all six episodes easily. The ending was truly intense. Could this be the best drama out of the NZ ever?

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