Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Winter's Cumin' Streaming 24' - The Veil - Miniseries

The Veil is another thriller/spy limited series, starring Elisabeth Moss and Yumna Marwan. 

The series premiered on FX/Hulu in the USA, while in Australia it came to Disney late April.

The Veil is about a potentially deadly game of truth and lies as two women travel from Istanbul to Paris and London, with one of them possessing a secret that the other needs to expose.

Episode one kicks off with Adilah El Idrissi (Yumna Marwan), first seen at a refugee camp, faces imminent danger due to her alleged ties to ISIS. 

Imogen Salter (Elisabeth Moss), posing as an NGO worker, forms an unexpected alliance with Adilah, aiming to protect her from a mob seeking revenge. 

Meanwhile, suspicions arise about Imogen's true motives, leading to tension with her UNICRI contact, Guy. 

As Imogen and Adilah embark on a perilous journey, their backgrounds and motivations come to light, revealing a complex web of personal and political intrigue. Adilah's identity is questioned by French intelligence, setting the stage for a high-stakes confrontation.

So the stage is set for Moss to shine whilst we wait for the final season of the Handmaid's Tale.

In the end, Imogen hopes to get some answers by taking Adilah to England to see Michael (James Purefoy). By the end of the six episodes though I had tuned out of this Homeland style, who is good, who is bad spy thriller.

Aussie Dan Wyllie also has a a starring role in the first few episodes as Guy, Imogen's United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) contact.

The globe trotting spy romp looks amazing, however this wasn't my favourite miniseries/limited series of the year (or even quarter).

The open ended ending, also made me think, was FX thinking this could be Moss's next role once the final season of The Handmaid's Tale finally lands?

Either way The Veil streams now on Disney+ right now!

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