Saturday, May 18, 2024

Winter's Cumin' Streaming 24' - Sugar - Season One

What on Earth was Sugar on Apple TV+? Well it concluded only yesterday, whereas I started watching the eight part first season earlier in the week.

It's described as a mystery drama series, however as the episodes roll on, things get trippy. Like really trippy. Spoilers below the trailer, so be warned if you haven't watched this Colin Farrell series.

Elsewhere it has been described as "a genre-bending contemporary take on the private detective story set in Los Angeles". It also has an element of a love story to Hollywood kinda vibe. So in the finale titled Farewell, we get some closure, however will there be a second season? I kinda felt like this had miniseries vibes? Also Colin Farrell is in demand right?

So in Farewell, Sugar (Colin Farrell) finds Olivia in the cabinet, hurt but alive. He returns her to Melanie and her father and grandfather, and notifies the police. 

Afterwards, Miller is stopped by a cop while driving and is shot and killed. Sugar meets Ruby and Henry, asking the latter for a CD player, and starts listening to the senator's son's recordings about his torture and murder sessions. 

Sugar visits Jonathan, and apologizes to David's mother. Jonathan wants to hire him as chief of security, but he politely declines, and gives him the photos. 

Jonathan admits that he had a short relationship with Rachel, Bernie's first wife, confirming that Olivia is his daughter, not Bernie's. After leaving his dog with Melanie, he says goodbye to her, and breaking rules, briefly reveals his alien eyes to her. He also reveals he became a PI after his sister has been taken, and never found. 

As he continues to listen to the recording, he suddenly realizes that the killer was not alone. Talking to Olivia, she says she never saw the second person's face, nor heard him talk, but he has been writing notes all the time. 

This makes Sugar realize the accomplice was Henry. He drives back to Ruby's place, where Henry calls him on the phone, confirming this. He states he did it to learn from humans, and decides he will stay on Earth. 

Before breaking the call, he tells Sugar he left rose petals for him - the petals lead to a cupboard which contains the clothes of Djen, Sugar's sister. Sugar meets Ruby at the departure point, who confirms they knew about the experiments with the killer, which was Henry's idea, but not about Djen. 

Despite the likelihood that his sister is already dead, Sugar decides to stay behind as Henry is their people's responsibility, and departs to find him.

Sugar also stars Kirby, Amy Ryan, Dennis Boutsikaris, Alex Hernandez, Lindsay Pulsipher, Anna Gunn, James Cromwell, Nate Corddry, Sydney Chandler, Miguel Sandoval, Elizabeth Anweis and Jason Butler Harner. It's a big cast with James Cromwell stealing scenes he appears in.

Apple TV+ has really given us some quality shows over the past few months, with Loot wrapping it's brilliant second season real soon.

Till next time. Stay dry Sydney, yes it's raining AGAIN!

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