Friday, June 28, 2024

Winter's Cumin' Streaming 24' - Colin from Accounts - Season Two

Colin from Accounts is a winning series. Likely to top the Winter's Cumin' Streaming 24' list. Spoiler alert! This season has been near perfect. Concluding at noon yesterday on Binge, this little Sydney comedy, is honest, raw, laugh out loud funny and only getting better! Sadly it's over for another season, however that last scene at the wedding?

Season two became airing late May with a single episode, then double episodes, then Speedy Susans, the drama filled wedding finale.

Starring husband-and-wife team Patrick Brammall (also in a few Evil episodes on Paramount+ at present) & Harriet Dyer.

They are Gordon and Ashley. Now they have missed out the on Logie Awards this year, however last time, they won three Logie Awards! In the opening episode of the season, Blessings Ash and Gordon have moved in together and are trying to get their beloved special needs dog, Colin, back from his new owners.

The season really kicked into overdrive in episode four, Ethical Porn. This had one of the funniest bluetooth moments of TV history!

Yass King was a heartfelt but equally hilarious episode based in Yass with Gordon's family. Celeste Barber also gets a funny feature! John Howard (not the former PM) was equally excellent.

Wawam with series stand out, Helen Thomson as Lynelle was brilliant. Lynelle may be Ashley's mum, a supporting character, however this season she has been a total scene stealer.

If this was a movie review I would be giving a sold FIVE STARS for this season.

The finale was wild. Where all is going well after Ash had her wisdom teeth out, till Gordon and Ash's relationship is put to the test at Megan and Rumi's pop-up wedding.

So how it left off, PLEASE Binge/Foxtel give this a third run! It's easily your best series. I am looking forward to The Twelve heading to Perth, however this is just BRILLIANT!

If you are to watch one show from my Winter's Cumin' Streaming 24' list, watch this NOW! Both seasons all at once please!

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