Friday, June 7, 2024

Winter's Cumin' Streaming 24' - Wreck - Season Two

I binged season one earlier this year after having it on my ABC iView watch list for some time. So honestly season one was fairly fresh in my old mind.

The planned three season horror-comedy kicks off months after Jamie and his friends survive the bloodcurdling mayhem on the Velorum, the cruise-lining murder machine that claimed Jamie’s sister. 

In a daring and desperate attempt to bring the company down, the gang go undercover to infiltrate Velorum’s newest venture – an exclusive ‘wellness’ festival for millionaires in the remote Slovenian countryside. It’s going to be a cleansing experience. 

The second series returned to Northern Ireland for filming & lasted for four months.

Director Chris Baugh explained that the challenges of creating a realistic cruise ship in a warehouse was particularly challenging during production of series one, in contrast of the filming of the second series which was largely outdoors and more dependent on the weather.  The UK got the second series back in early March.

This season saw Aussie legend fresh from Dynasty, Alan Dale join the cast. Alongside Bradley Riches, Shaheen Jafargholi, Phil Martin, Orlando Norman, Sam Buttery, Greg Austin, Carolyn Bracken, Niamh Walsh, & Buck Braithwaite. 

So season two really does just set us up for the third planned season. However will it get renewed? I have never watched so much UK TV! Spoilers below about the finale You Can Let Go Now.

Kicking off with a flashback, Joseph and Devon survey their work on the island and anticipate the opening of Exodum. 

In the present, Jamie reconnects with Olly in the basement, and reveals that there is a bomb in the house. Joseph then has Jamie, Pippa, and Olly taken to the island. 

Upstairs, Owen chastises this children for their failures and tells Devon he wants Exodum to be shut down immediately before abandoning them. 

Billy reveals to Karen's group that the others are inside the house, so they storm the house and force Jean to release Cormac and the other prisoners while Karen confronts Beaker. She is unable to convince him to betray the Deveraux family and kills him before fleeing the house before it is destroyed. 

On the island, Joseph explains that the "Changemaker" package allows wealthy guest to work out their trauma on the prisoners, who are physically similar to them and wear masks to obscure their identities. He forces Jamie to choose between saving Olly or Pippa, but is distracted long enough for Vivian to arrive with Devon held hostage. 

Despite this, Joseph shoots Olly before the rest of the group apprehend him. Devon escapes and Olly dies from his injuries. Tom rescues Devon, and the siblings resolve to destroy the group to get back in Owen's good graces. A grief-stricken Jamie kills Joseph and abandons the others to go with Karen in pursuit of the Deveraux family.

So will we get a third and final run? How will this slasher/Hostel kinda series end?

Happy King's Birthday long weekend SYDNEY. Now can the rain fuck off already!

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