Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Film Freak 2011 - X-Men - First Class

Sot after the woeful Wolverine movie the X-Men team are back and they pack a punch with the original story behind X-Men and being with them is a great cast including the dreamy Rose Byrne and the amazing James McAvoy. And with having a strong cast a far fetched action plot seems someone do-able.

Anyway X-Men - First Class or whatever they are calling it is a great film, it has some history, some romance, some drama and some damn fine action. The action scenes make the movie but the theme of conforming and fitting in is great. Loved it!

X-Men First Class so far is definitely my favourite action film of 2011. Great cast, great action, a little long but it held my attention fairly well, so let's just hope they green light a sequel on this and not the god awful Wolverine one, god that was rank.

X-Men gets an X rated 4 and a half stars.

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