Monday, May 8, 2017

MAY DAY (TV Month): Sense8 {Season 2}

Since mid 2015 this Netflix series has blown peoples mind and been yet another unique and terrific series joining Netflix titles like House of Cards, Orange is the New Black (recently leaked online), Bloodline and a long list of others.

I recently gave 13 Reasons Why a glowing review, another Netflix heavyweight recently renewed for a second series. This show is in the "difficult" second series phase after a terrific Christmas Special back in late December last year.

Thank god that came as we were already close to 18 months with no sign of a new episode or season.

Sense8 is a sensational series, it's visually stunning and the cast are all banging.

I am only one full episode and a bit in but this show is just so gosh damn addictive and so colourful. The Netflix 4K quality is just heaven. If I didn't love the cinema so much (hello new Alien and Amy S's films this weekend) I could honestly stay in all Winter catching up on Iron Fist, finishing Sense8 and watching everything else coming my way.

Stay tuned I may review another Netflix title or give my commentary on this show as I get knee deep in it.

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