Wednesday, May 24, 2017

MAY DAY (TV Month): Supergirl {Season 2 - Finale}

Season two has been a bit of a cluster fuck. First it moved from ratings giant CBS to the CW and dropped a huge amount of viewers. Episode One, Season One on CBS 16.92 million viewers, Episode One, Season Two 4.08 million viewers.

The departure of Calista Flockhart part way through the series was a huge loss for the sense of humour (one of the best elements of this series) and some of the best one liners this show had.

Superman also entered the series and their was romance galore both between Supergirl and another alien and lesbian love of the highest degree. Teri Hatcher also joined Dean Cain on having minor roles in this series.

We had a semi musical crossover with The Flash and also a flirt with some Legends of Tomorrow.

Now to the finale which was almost like a Desperate Housewives Reunion special with Brenda Strong joining Teri Hatcher in a blow up, building smash up red hot mess.

Yes Supergirl takes on Teri Hatcher in this bumped up 22 episode season marathon's finale. We wait now for Season Three to commence late 2017.

It's been a rough and at times long ride this season, that said it has been the best of The CW Arrowverse shows. Admittedly I have yet to watch more than the pilot of Arrow but The Flash, Legends of Tomorrow have really struggled in my mind. Supergirl has tackled human and current issues, same sex relationships, acceptance, compassion and other big topic issues I haven't seen explored in the other DC series.

It hasn't been perfect, it hasn't been a complete cluster fuck like I mention in the opening paragraph but I hope in series three they hit RESET and start a fresh. New network, new start, don't go the messy timelines that The Flash has gone, don't allow characters in and out then out again let Legends of Tomorrow and make the Crossovers meaningful.

Supergirl at it's core has heart and that is special in these superhero, mass produced shows. Heart is what the world needs now along with some compassion.

Bring on series three but let's have a clear vision and keep it simple, the show works best when it's simple and has it's heart on it's sleeve.

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