Monday, May 29, 2017

Silver Screen in 2017 {John Wick Chapter 2}

I gave this first John Wick film a fairly solid 3.5 Stars in 2014 and I might even copy that score for Chapter 2.

John Wick Chapter 2 is fierce, loud and full on from the get go. The car chase scene at the start is bigger, more brash and more full on than anything I have seen in a Fast & Furious film.

Keanu Reeves is looking fat and old in this film which just shows Hollywood doesn't give a flying fuck about how males look (excluding Zac Efron) but females always have to look like Gal Gadot in Wonder Woman.

In one scene you honestly see rolls when Keanu sits and you never see him shirtless from the front, NEVER. This isn't really a thing but whenever women are in these action films they must be trim, taught and terrific. Did Rupert Murdoch have a say in most recent action films???

Ok enough of this rant because Keanu is not a great actor and John Wick was one of those films which I actually think the studio were like, what this works? We made coin? And serious coin. WTF

Action films come thick and fast this does and this is actually a cut above some of the recent action films I have seen. Nice to also see Ruby Rose kicking some ass and looking so much better than old Keanu.

There is a completely over the top pencil killing scene which makes the Dark Knight scene look like a playgroup scene and the action scenes are 100% outstanding.

This was a lot more fun than Alien which I saw the previous day, and I am going to up the rating on this film, 4 Stars.

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