Thursday, September 10, 2020

COVID-Cinema 2020 - After We Collided

After was a real hoot in 2019, the angst the tension. Now we go into book 2, After We Collided.

Aussie Josephine Langford and Hero Fiennes Tiffin whilst How to Get Away with Murder vet, Charlie Weber also stars as creepy Christian Vance.

So this film comes out in the USA late October, so Australia wins again with early release films.

However what is the quality of these early release films? After was a bit of a dogs breakfast. I was very mean, here is a paragraph - 

God the reviews were bad, but shit this was some Twilight basic type shit. Who read this fucking book? Are they OK? After was badly acted and poorly cast, with no real names except an unrecognisable Selma Blair this is a summer stinker. But a sequel is on the way.

For the full review go HERE

OK so does the sequel beat the original? It's slightly better whilst being full of drama and a lot more sex than the original by memory.

Let's give this 2 stars for coming to Australia early.

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