Saturday, March 2, 2019

Cinema Slut #2019 - The Blonde One

Happy Mardi Gras readers, it's that time of the year where glitter sells out across the city and the parade brings millions of tourist dollars into town whilst the lockout laws are on hold for one night only.

So the Mardi Gras film festival is on and a World premier aired throughout the week. The Blonde One, directed and written by Marco Berger The Blonde One is his latest film.

Like the Mardi Gras film I saw the year before, the tension built for the first half of the film, then it was just sex for days and days.

Like a lot of gay films that have come before The Blonde One, there is no new ground here. Boy meets Boy, Boy sleeps with Girls but teases Boy, Boys eventually hook up, one Boy gets his heartbroken.

End of plot.

Except for this film, the long starring longingly into each others eyes and tension is interesting for a while but grows tired when the blonde one (Gaston Re) literally speaks around 4 lines in the first half hour.

His redeeming feature is the time he spends with his young daughter. Confusing, yes well he was married young and had a daughter, so both gays actually like girls, it's based in Buenos Aires and sexuality seems a lot more free and liberal than Australia.

This film was not much fun, if I want nudity I'll watch porn over this any day. It has some good moments and listening to the Q&A there is definitely and audience for this and I was in the minority disliking the film. However in 2019, you need to reach an audience, a wide, diverse audience and this will not reach that.

2 Stars.

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