Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Cinema Slut #2019 - Greta

This movie is hella bat shit crazy! It's insane but a hell of a lot of fun. Both leads Huppert and Moretz are sensational.

The film clicks in at under one and a half hours which is great as the pace is full throttle.

The movie starts off with a bit of character building and then it goes full metal Misery with Isabelle Huppert is exceptional as lead Greta.

Chloe Grace Moretz is an exceptional young actor and from her early days in Kickass, she has really come a long way.

This movie will not be for everyone however it's an exceptional little psychological thriller with a big finale and some jump out of the seat moments.

If you are looking for a fun, well acted film this weekend (or mid week) this could be for you, 3.5 Stars.

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