Monday, November 5, 2007

Storms, Children and another Miss Saigon sob fest!


Another wonderful week of live and varied entertainment. In the coming weeks however there will be plenty more including trips to Melbourne and Perth! HOORAY!

On Thursday night I saw (just in the nick of time, I always get lost when heading out to NIDA) the amazing NIDA showcase, what a pack of hotties! And talented hotties, I am dying to see where all these sexy people will be in the next few years.

I love a Saturday matinee and I love the fact stupid parents think an under 5 year will be able to sit still during a 3 hour Miss Saigon cry fest. I was vile after this breeder discharge cried, screamed and made kiddy noises throughout most of act one.

If you are reading this and thinking of having kids, use a fucking condom or get on the pill.The theatre is no place for children, with exception of Tam in Miss Saigon.

Sydney has been in full on Justin Timberlake madness over the past few weeks and can I just say to NOVA & 2Gay FM that there is more than just Justin Timberlake about to tour.

We have Missy Higgins about to travel around this fair land, Ben Lee is still kicking it with the all ages gigs, Keith Suburban is coming back down under next year (he is playing a lot smaller venues this time around) & Good Vibrations is coming to outdoor legal injecting room near year in February.

Also on music news I discovered this great band on the wireless the other day:
Now this is HOT electro, check them out on Myspace and here a great new AUSSIE act.

For another stormy week, CIAO!

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