Joan is a British crime drama miniseries, which had a rough broadcast in the US of A. Created by Anna Symon for ITV, Game of Thrones star, Sophie Turner plays real-life character Joan Hannington.
So this is like an English Underbelly with Hannington, a figure known as the Godmother by certain aspects of the British criminal underworld.
Joan features Hannington's journey from housewife and mother, to petty offender, to diamond thief and criminal mastermind in 1980s London. Being the 80's it makes for a kickass soundtrack. Not to mention the fashion, FASHION! Joan Hannington however really gives me Princess Di vibes for some reason though.
In Australia Joan streams on Stan, alongside of the return of Yellowstone today! Yay!
Joan takes you on a wild ride of crime, the mother's love of a daughter and a jewellery store robbery gone wrong, ending with dire sequences.
I don't understand why The CW (in the USA) ever thought this was something their viewers would enjoy.
However this was a very fine, little English series, where you actually feel sorry for the crimminal. Joan is a real life Taylor Swift, Anti-Hero.
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