Monday, March 27, 2017

Silver Screen in 2017 {Power Rangers}

I was never big on Power Rangers at the time of their mass popularity but I was willing to give this live action film a go, so here we go GO GO POWER RANGERS!

So of course there are sequels in the works and the young cast do well with the material they are given to work with. Elizabeth Banks is unrecognisable as the villain Rita Repulsa and of course the cutest Power Ranger is the Black one AKA the Asian one Ludi Lin.

There is a lesbian Power Ranger and an autistic Power Ranger making this the first blockbuster film to feature a lesbian & autistic superhero.

The plot is pretty thin but the action at times is a lot of fun and really isn't the point of these movies to take us away from our every day lives? In a modern world of fake news and even more fake people in the public eye these movies give us two hours to forget the shit. And I applaud this distraction.

Power Rangers is not going to win any awards nor will it most likely be the best action/super hero film of 2017 but you know it was fun, I give it a pass mark and a wee bit extra for it's inclusiveness of 2.75 Stars.

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