Thursday, February 7, 2019

#SUMMER-BINGE-FEST - The Punisher, Season Two (Final?)

Jessica Jones and The Punisher are the last two Marvel stars standing! Will The Punisher end up on the Daredevil, Luke Cage and Iron Fist Marvel scrap heap? They join Agent Carter from ABC with Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D appearing to be the last one standing renewed through to 2020!

So season one was excellent, season two was action packed and it started strong, did it end the same way?

Well, thirteen episodes is a big call with these action series, also the two villain approach was a bit much at times as the stories all seemed to come undone by the final play.

Lady rivals Dinah and Krista was a bit much towards the end and slightly unbelievable.

Overall this was a lot better than the second season of Jessica Jones which I recently binged. Jon Bernthal is extremely attractive as The Punisher, although towards the end with all the shit he goes through, how is he still alive!

Verdict is not out yet whether the show will get third season, however if Daredevil and Luke Cage are dead and buried I am not sure I like it's chances.

The Punisher is streaming NOW on Netflix...

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