Monday, November 4, 2019

Cinema Slut #2019 - Gemini Man

I wasn't super keen on seeing the latest Will Smith film after the misfire of Aladdin remake, Collateral Beauty and his rather average role in Suicide Squad.

Apparently this film was in development for 20 years, how far CGI has come though in those 20 years. Directed by over hyped director Ang Lee this really is an average action film for a budget of over a $130 million and apparently 20 years of work.

The action sequences are fun but some of the dialogue is flat out woeful.

Will Smith is at a crossroad in his career, continue to make average, poorly reviewed films or give up with some good memories of him singing about the Men in Black or a Fresh Prince somewhere in America.

I can't be all negative it does look a million bucks whilst travelling various parts of the world.

Will Smith is handsome and at 51 (a joke well versed in the film) is in damn fine condition, however I just want more for him. He had a legacy, now he is the kind of guy movie studios, hope and/or pray his name will be enough to assist breaking even some very ordinary films.

Unfortunately in 2019 if it's not a comic book film, action reboot or something we have all seen before, it's just not going to go very far.

Gemini Man has it's moments, the de-aging of Smith was clever, however not clever enough to standout as a top action film of 2019.

2.5 Stars.

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