Tuesday, September 1, 2020

COVID-Cinema 2020 - The Eight Hundred (Chinese: 八佰)

The Eight Hundred (Chinese: 八佰) is the latest in my COVID-Cinema 2020 series.

Making my second film of the weekend gone, this was gosh damn EPIC! With the plot of the film centring around the Defense of Sihang Warehouse in 1937 Shanghai.

Starring Oho Ou, Du Chun, Huang Zhizhong, Vision Wei, Wang Qianyuan, Jiang Wu, Zhang Yi, Li Chen, Yu Haoming, and Zheng Kai. Not to mention all the thousand extras, this was war on the big screen in epic proportion.

A few years back I was completely over war films, but pre COVID a film changed my mind. 1917 was amazing not only did it change the way I looked at war films, but the style of the film the one continuous shot, EPIC!

This however is huge, the battle scenes are intense, the tension is real and the violence sometimes is extreme. So basically like real wars. This was so interesting to me as usual American war films are so patriotic it's sickening, however this film had some serious propaganda throughout it too.

So I guess war films are meant to inspire domestic pride.

If you enjoy the war genre this is a must see, yes it has subtitles but the action is terrific.

I would like to understand more about this battle after seeing the film as well as my renewed interest in visiting Shanghai.

The Eight Hundred (Chinese: 八佰) is screening now, 3.5 Stars.

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