Australia's biggest show in 2021 is Married at First Sight. You may have heard of the toxic couple Melissa & Bryce or the fame hungry Rebecca & Jake?
If not you avoided the insane eighth season of MAFS. Yeah it's much better known around the office water coolers as MAFS
Samantha & Cameron, Booka & Brett, Coco & Sam were all destined to fail as couples however Alana & Jason had some serious sexual energy.
Joanne & James ended up rather toxic at the end whilst Belinda & Patrick were perfect reality TV gold.
Beth & Russell were random and never really stood a chance, whilst the main couple set up for success were Kerry & Johnny.
The show is ghetto AF and I have avoided it for the past seven seasons, however I got super into it around the midway point.
I missed a number of the early episodes but I saw enough dinner parties and drama to talk about the show like a seasoned viewer. Reality TV is king on network Australian TV. Maybe that is why so many of us are now drawn to streaming services. Disney is slaying, Stan is a great local option whilst Netflix will also pull a crowd.
MAFS had some serious duty of care moments towards the end, the contestants however should also know eight seasons in this show is a train wreck where your life may end up in disarray. However these Instagram influencers wannabes might not care either way now the final episode has aired.
MAFS will be back in 2022 for sure. The show was heads and tails ahead of its competition. Sadly the Amazing Race Australia or Dancing with the Stars have suffered due to the shows massive success.
So like wise people say. If you can't beat the masses join them. With MAFS I joined the masses to be included in casual workplace chit chat as I try and avoid the C word as much as possible. I mean Covid, not cunt.