Monday, December 13, 2021

December TV Finales - Total Control - Season Two

Total Control may have lost out to The Newsreader (It's on my list to binge) this year at the AACTA's. Next year, season two of Total Control will slay!

It's been a long time between seasons. As season one commenced during October 2019. Season 2 only began airing early last month. Those tight, six episodes flew by!

So a quick recap.

Rachel Anderson is the embattled but cunning Prime Minister of Australia. Alex is a charismatic Indigenous woman who finds herself the centre of media attention following her admirable actions in a high-risk situation. Rachel wants to use Alex to boost her popularity and further her own agenda, and recruits her as a senator.

The government in the series appears to represent the Liberal-National coalition, with various factions and other parties mimicking current ones in Australia. There are several storylines and characters, including Alex's son, her mother, an ex-lover and rival clans in Winton, Queensland, her activist brother in the city, various other players in the Canberra political and office sphere, and a young woman who has escaped youth detention with some footage which could severely damage the government, or in particular the right-wing faction.

This season saw Deborah Mailman (Alex) embark on a career as an independent senator. Independent senators in real life are all the rage though right now.

The cast is incredible, the lead up to the election was a wild ride, however the last five minutes of this season. CRAZY good. Tense AF!

I really, really, really enjoyed this second season. It was crazy good. This is a tough series to beat now. The bar has been set so hard!

This is must watch (free to air) TV. Airing now (both seasons, one and two) on ABC iView.

Check it out right NOW! Do it!

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