Friday, February 19, 2010

South by South-West Rocks Loliday

Good I love summer holidays and go I love travelling around this brown land we live in.

Firstly though how crap are the Winter Olympics, it's summer for Pete's sake too, like what the???

Okay so pack 5 people into a beach house named "The Sun Ray" eat heaps, swim heaps and talk about poo for five days, that's a holiday!

I had so much fun away on the lovely NSW northern coast line at South West Rocks with a fab crew. The sunburn is still peeling and the smells from the bathroom still haunt me a little but overall it was a superb holiday and totally relaxed me the freak out.

Nearly back to the working station EEEEEHHHHHHHH but I have to look on the bright side, it's almost Easter and Anzac Day super long weekends YAY!

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