Monday, February 28, 2011

Maybe She's Born With It - Courtney Act

So a drag show on Oxford Street, what a coincidence? Well this was actually a show which has travelled abroad apparently and hit the US of A!

I did love the songs in this show and the story telling from Courtney was quiet good, she did drift away a bit from the stories from time to time but this made it feel less scripted and more of a personal approach. By telling stories with drifting moments you actually believed the stories and enjoyed them more.

Finishing up with the latest Lady Gaga song which I hadn't heard until this show was a good move since apparently it's all about being a dirty homo and being a drag queen.

Okay so Courtney Act - Maybe She's Born With It is on for two more nights before Mardi Gras this weekend and you can get tickets here so happy Mardi Gras readers and if your up for a drag of a good time heck out old Courney Act - 3 stars

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