Monday, March 28, 2011

Film Freak 2011 - Limitless

So was this a 90 minute or thereabouts advertisement for estasy or another drug? It seemed like it glorified drug use in a big way (yes it showed the effects and touched on a downward spiral) but hey that's just how I saw it.

I also found Bradley ooper really unattractive in this film, usually he is sexy as fuck but not this time around.

Abbie Cornish and Robert DeNiro were good in really small roles but still nice to see our Abbie Cornish on the big screen.

So did I like it, average story line, nicely shoot and a decent conclusion but still it felt like it was missing something. I also felt really bored in parts of the film.

Anyway it was average at best 2 and a half stars for Bradley Cooper and his Limitless activities

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