Thursday, March 31, 2011

Film Freak 2011 - Unknown

I have kinda been wanting to see this film for a while, and finally I saw it in a rather small event cinema. The film started part of the way through which was really fine as I got a free movie tiket. Love youse at Event Cinemas!

So it was Liam Neeson, losing his mind and his marbles or is he? There are some good twists and plost changes but overall it seems like it has all been done before.

I enjoyed the speed of the film at the start but after the breakdown the film started to take a slow turn for the worse.

Liam Neeson was the saving grace, he was awesome in Taken and now this is his second decent thriller/action film. I would have liked the second half to be a little shorter and have more of a conclusion but anyway.

Unknown is a decent movie but it will be on DVD soon so maybe wait until then 3 stars.

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