Tuesday, April 24, 2012

@ the Movies 2012 - The Avengers {PREVIEW}

With a star studded cast and a special effects budget that could keep the entire Africa feed and watered with clean drinking water for six months this movie packs a PUNCH!

And after having my smart phone checked in as the film is released in around 2 hours, it was high security at the NOVA 969 sounds similar screening.

Now to the movie, each of the films that have come before (Iron Man, Captain America & Thor) have all had good reviews and this will review well also.  Chris Evans, Downey Jnr, Chris Hemsworth & Scarlett Johansson all work well and an action film would not be an action film without Samuel L. Jackson.

So is it worth all the hype and having my phone stripped away from me for around 3 hours?  Yes n No, the action scenes and the final war are great, the start getting the group together is a little drawn out, a sequel will work well cause the back story is not much of a matter.

So how will this go when it opens @ midnight tonight?  I think it will do extremely well, and with a grand public holiday awaiting us in the morning, let's get our movie viewing 3D glasses on.

The Avengers is perfect escapism and a film that shows even with differences we can all work together to obtain a common goal, shame the NSW police force can't seem to take a leaf out of this comic book.

The Avengers rates a high flying 3 stars.

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