So I did a double film review a little while back and in this busy period of film seeing it was a must on this Sunday AM to MIX these two reviews together in all loving MASH UP!
I must warn you dear reader that I have currently had the blog place change the way I post shit and spell check is something I can't locate anymore so excuse my grade one spelling errors please!
So first up:
1. @ the Movies 2012 - This Must be the Place (ACTUAL FILM RELEASED @ FILM FESTIVALS IN 2011)
So Sean Penn and around 2 hours of a typical road movie. However this movie has a lot of heart and soul and for an art house slightly odway film this movie had a great calming effect over me.
Sean Penn is a great actor, David Byrne is a great musician and with this two in tow this film works and works well. With some deep themes and some big issues explored and fleshed out in this film it's slightly weird to say it's relaxing but when a film is made with such big names and done with such ease it is easy to watch and therefore I found Nirvana in watching this picture.
So different to the next film I am about to review and admittedly I did drift off to other things during this movie but in the end Sean Penn shines and rates a decent 3 stars.
2. @ the Movies 2012 - Streetdance 2 3D (Only $10 this week @ Hoyts - 3D even, BARGAIN!)
This movie is visually perfect and it's soundtrack is bass heavy and moves away from your Flo Rida's to make way for some new and upcoming amazing dance artists. Not many bad things can be said about this latest dance picture, except for:
1. The acting - at times it's wooden and dull, bring on some more dancing!
2. The script - oh boy!
3. The Start - Is drawn out and quiet frankly dull.
Other than these three points the film rocks my socks and I had so much fun! And under 90 minutes is perfect for this visual sensation. The 3D is not too necessary but still it adds to the formula for these pictures.
So is it worth seeing, HELL YES! Well this week anyway it's a bargain @ $10 a ticket @ Hoyts (No I don't work at Hoyts) but I appreciate a good deal and $10 for a 3D film is lush.
Anyway run out and see this there is more rain forecast so if you want 90 minutes of fun and good times, this is it!
3 and a half dancing shoes.
UPDATE - Found my spell check! Thank goodness, now upcoming my FRESH ASS 20 tunes of the week and here are some AWESOME movies on now or about to be on @ a picture theatre near y'all:
PS Zac - seen the nude pics, what is WRONG with young people no pubes equals NASTY!
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