Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Westworld Season 2.

In 2016 when Westworld debuted on HBO back in late 2016, I never thought I would wait over a year for season two, however I did and man it was actually worth the wait! Here was my thoughts on the first season but now let's look midway through season two.

A tight and explosive start to the season has held steady with the ratings, but not yet hit the ratings highs of HBO favourite Game of Thrones.

I love a ten episode season, there is no room for filler episodes, there is no time to be a slow burner, it's a fast paced straight to the point futuristic Western action thriller.

Westworld has already been renewed (rightfully so) for a third season (and more importantly I can see future seasons coming to HBO) which will air eventually, well we wait around 18 months for the season outing. So, it could be 18 months or two years away, who knows?

This season is titled The Door whilst last season was dubbed The Maze, so where is the door? What is the door...

Westworld has extremely high production values, it's a critical favourite and over time I am sure it will be another HBO cult hit.

I am loving this season way more than the first season, it's super action packed and a lot of fun. My only compliant is there is less nudity. Season one however did probably did have the most full frontal nudity I have ever scene on a HBO series and that is saying something!

Westworld, on Foxtel no on Mondays, streaming and some live sessions.

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