Friday, September 7, 2018

Movie Matinee Madness - The Meg

Led by Jason Statham, the latest shark, thriller is all killer almost no filler.

Joining Statham is Aussie Ruby Rose, Li Bingbing and a cast of hundreds being chased/hunted by the largest shark known to human kind. Problem is they were believe to have been extinct for like millions of years.

The plot goes out the window, the action ramps up, Statham as a 51 year old man is in top shape and does some amazing moves to save the day across multiple near death situations.

Unfortunately for the film, it feels like it takes a while before the beast really steals the show. I know you need to build suspense and don't do the big reveal too early, but the reveal does take a while in this shark tale.

All in all it is what it is, a giant popcorn film, filling cinemas for the last few weeks.

The Meg will win no awards, it's a total 100% guilty pleasure but man it was a much better shark film than some others that have come before it. Well done. 3.5 Stars, a fun night out at the cinema.

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