Saturday, September 29, 2018

Movie Matinee Madness - Searching

Where is the Crazy Rich Asians hype for this Asian American lead thriller? John Cho basically is Searching via screens, FaceTimes and video chats.

Searching is first up despite my query and excellent modern thriller. Cho is outstanding, Debra Messing is great on the other end of the "search" as a detective and Joseph Lee as Cho's brother is extremely handsome.

OK so a dad detective looking for his school girl via social media profiles and whereabouts may not sound like everyone's cup of tea, but this film, is excellent.

The start of the film is moving, excellent character development and sets up the tech savvy dad David Kim as a caring, loving husband and father.

I am going to be honest this is my favourite thriller in sometime. It's fresh and it' totally on social trend and John Cho's performance is simply outstanding.

I am forgetting young Michelle La as missing Margot. A teen with a few things to hide and an interesting relationship with her uncle is an interesting character for this film to revolve around.

I loved every minute of this and so glad I saw it on the big screen. There is honestly something to be said for still seeing films at the actual cinema.

Great job all evolved, yep 5 Stars.

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