Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Movie Matinee Madness - The Predator

After a few an eight year break and two crossovers with Alien, The Predator is back.

With a lot of swearing and violence this is perfect for teenage boys and well me...

Handmaid's Tale and maybe Emmy winner today, Yvonne Strahovski was one of the most strangely cast, she is a solid actress now, star of one of the most watched shows around and formerly starring in Dexter, why this? I know you have a child on the way, but why?

Netflix star Boyd Holbrook is Strahovski's husband and the lead and Lily Allen's brother Alfie pops up.

The action scenes are fun and it does have some 14 year old boy humour, but overall it's not great, it's got a super random ending and the set up for the next film is just so obvious.

Box office is not great thus far so let's see if the next film actually gets up.

My session was fairly small in size, despite the fact I wanted to attend a session at Fox Studios, but Sydney roads have an issue. The issue is one issue and the whole system goes to hell in a handbag.

So The Predator, so brutal action, some shocking language, 3 Stars.

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