Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Riverdale Season 3.

Who wants to see Archie shirtless? Well in episode one you don't have to wait too long!

KJ Apa as Archie has become a real heartthrob over the first two seasons and for me I am finally starting to see it.

I am a bit more into Charles Melton, but really this is an all star cast from a few eras, dragging old Luke Perry and Skeet Ulrich back into the spotlight.

So season 3 is it still living up to the hype? For me in Australia this is one of those great shows Netflix has partnered with The CW for. It knows it's market, it is current, however the random ending of episode one and the cancelled crossover with Sabrina means I may have to give it a few more episodes and Archie off the jail, where is season 3 headed?

If you like the previous two seasons, you will continue to enjoy this season. At the back of my mind I know all these shows will stop for Christmas sooner rather than later so I am hoping it ramps up quick smart.

Riverdale it airs weekly on Netflix in most places and The CW in the US of A. If you are in the US of A, make sure you get out and vote in the midterms, please...

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