Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Movie Matinee Madness - Mortal Engines

There were several books, however with this film being a monster flop at the box office, I would safely say this will be a solo Peter Jackson effort, Mortal Engines, or maybe just Mortal Engine.

Starring a few Aussies and featuring a score from Junkie XL, this film has all the right ingredients, it's just maybe after multiple Maze Runner, Hunger Games, Twilight and every other teenage franchise before it, maybe the kids are just not that into cinema?

Recently I read an article, that the movie business would start to move away from films aged at the teen market.

Recently it's been big business for the baby boomers, Queen's music featured on the big screen with Bohemian Rhapsody, nostalgia for fans of the original Star is Born films, more nostalgia for Rocky fans with Creed II, Widows targeting the smarter movie go-er and Halloween showing Jamie Lee Curtis still has it!

Mortal Engines looks a million bucks (or $150 million including marketing budget) but the characters are all a little uninteresting. I also think it's too crowded in parts, characters come in thick and fast and give you very little chance to get to know them.

It's also described as a post-apocalyptic adventure film, do we really need this genre on the big screen with a certain president in power who makes everyday feel post-apocalyptic.

Hugo Weaving was a good bad guy and nice to see NIDA grad Andrew Lees pick up a bigger role than his brief appearance in Legends of Tomorrow.

This is not one of the best films of the year, nor the best, it's just average, so 2.5 stars coming your way...

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