Tuesday, November 17, 2020

COVID-Cinema 2020 - Radioactive

It's time for another trip to the COVID-Cinema 2020, this time for a bio pic, Rosamund Pike starring as Marie Curie in Radioactive.

Whilst being a little long with some slow moments, the film was mostly enjoyable whilst being fairly educational. Marie Curie was an incredible woman, discovering radioactivity, revolutionising physics and chemistry.

With a tough life as well as having a much tougher time than nowadays as a woman scientist, Marie Curie was remarkable.

I adored Pike in Gone Girl and have longed to see her in another terrific role. Whilst this was not as magnificent as her role in Gone Girl, Pike is still an extraordinary talent I hope to see a lot more of in the future.

The movie has had mixed reviews, its a fine film for 2020, however if it was a normal year with a packed release schedule I think this film would 100% get lost in the mix. 3 Stars.

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