Friday, December 16, 2011

Film Freak 2011 - Jack & Jill

OMG Adam Sandler just doesn't care anymore and is there anything wrong with that, he is a funny guy and had his day and now he just puts out films for a little extra pocket money.

Jack & Jill is such a bad film that it is almost good. Katie Holmes is woeful, however Adam Sandler's children in the film are really not that bad.

The winner of the film is Jill - Adam Sandler as a lady, well a lady that looks a lot like Adam Sandler and a very bad tranny.

Was there a need for this film, short answer no, but it is mildly entertaining and you know we all need some stress release in 2011 and when Christmas is around the bend we all need a laugh, so on that note I rate Jack & Jill 2 and a half stars.

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