Monday, August 11, 2014

1,800 Posts and still going strong!

Monday 11th August marks the 1,800th post and yes I am still going to continue hitting up the cinema and if your love is more of the musical variety (and I don't mean like Miss Saigon I mean MUSIC) head over to my other online home Flashing off the Record. There are loads of music lists, a weekly countdown, posts of new music and a look at the latest music news from here plus abroad.

Here on Randy Andy I will continue to rant, watch way too much TV (currentlyI am going back in time and watching my old DVD set of Terminator: the Sarah Connor Chronicles. The short lived two season US mega action series. I believe another new Terminator series is in the works so watch this space.

I did however watch the first episode of Anzac Girls last night on ABC. To be honest I was a little bored but the sexy male cast members (mainly Dustin Clare & Todd Lasance) will probably keep me coming back for the remaining 5 episodes in the 6 season mini series.

Speaking of Australian TV and ABC the wonderful second series of The Time of Our Lives wraps up this Thursday at 8:30pm on ABC. It has been truly wonderful and inspirational. The characters are so diverse yet so compelling to watch. William McInnes has even grown on me and Stephen Curry has had some of the most heartfelt moments in this series.

So excited for Australian TV right now, Wentworth concluded a brilliant second season proving Pamela Rabe was a truly brilliant addition to the cast, Please Like Me with Josh Thomas returns this week, as does Legally Brown over on SBS tonight.

Let's support local content and keep the great stories coming on local TV and fight the reality bad guys.

So happy 1,800th post to me, it's been a long and fun journey and I will continue to post all the excitement (sometimes the lack of excitement) and random shit that swirls around my wee head.

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