Tuesday, August 13, 2013

What's On @ the Movies 2013 - Now You See Me

What can I say, the cast is AMAZING including Aussie Isla Fisher and the truly dishy Dave Franco (younger brother to the equally dishy James) but at moments during this film I couldn't put my finger on it but this film was just lacking something?

Not sure what it was but it was strange. I was engaged and all of a sudden (mainly when Morgan Freeman took to the screen) I was thinking about the outside world and what was for dinner.

The stunts/magic rule and this is like nothing else at the cinema which is nice. It's not a superhero film, it's not a ghost story, it's not a rom com or a gross out comedy. It's a straight up thriller slash showy film with an extremely talented cast. Let's just look at the cast, they are truly amazing:

Freeman - Is there any film genre he doesn't pop up in?
Harrelson - Man I can't wait for his HBO debut soon
Eisenberg - He was outstanding in the Social Network and not too shabby in this. He plays an ass well.
Common - Man can sing, but can he act???
Ruffalo - Man he looks beat up

It's a wide ranging cast, it's a big film and currently doing BIG business at the box office. For it's originally I give it a higher mark than if this was a run of the mill genre film I mentioned above.

Now You See Me rates a solid but not super solid 3.75 stars.

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