Friday, June 27, 2014

Film Freak 2014 - Transformers 4 - Transformers Age of Extinction

When a franchise gets up to movie number 4, the time has come for the movie to franchise to really shine or fall flat on it's ass, in the case of Transformers it's the latter, this movie dies a SLOW & LONG painful death.

As much as I am a huge Marky Mark fan this movie is super average, and here is why:

1. It's way to long
2. The story (or lack there of) takes forever to get going
3. Some of the lines in the film could be the worst of the year
4. Even Marky Mark can't save the train wreck second half of the film where it's explosion after explosion and build getting smashed up after Transformer flying into yes you guessed it another building.

Here is the trailer to break up my rant:

It was probably the worst action film I have seen recently and almost 22 Jump Street look like a masterpiece. Shia LaBeof is the real winner here by not being featured in this lengthly and drab Michael Bay wank fest.

Transformers 4, maybe it is time this toys became extinct, 1 Star for Marky Mark's tight t-shirts. He is still one sexy as fuck individual.

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