Sunday, January 27, 2019

(Mini) Sunday Spotlight: Ella Hooper/Killing Heidi

It' the Australia Day long weekend, ramp up the rage Australia. When did it get so controversial? I am all for moving the date, I am all for hearing the arguments, but as a nation that does the square root of fuck all, for once can we just do SOMETHING.

After that it's actually time to celebrate a true national treasure. Yes her time on Spicks and Specks the reboot was not great but musically Ella Hooper is royalty. Killing Heidi unfortunately vanished quick smart after some of the biggest Aussie anthems of all time.

Remember Weir and Mascara! YASS!

Ella Hooper this past Friday released a new solo single, her and her brother Jesse released a top album as The Verses back in 2010. Seasons was not as big as there earlier Killing Heidi work, however it was still a solid effort.

It's the Hottest 100 so here are some Hottest 100 facts, Weir, number two in 1999, Mascara was number fourteen that same year! Superman Supergirl, number 70 the following year 2000 and that same year Live Without It came in at 92.

Ella Hooper you are a legend and it makes me proud to celebrate two big Aussie acts to start the year back to back (Cub Sport - HERE) with no doubt many more to come!

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