Tuesday, January 26, 2021

January La Première - Euphoria (Special Episode - two of two)

Euphoria is back for another special episode. Here is a look at Jules episode. Titled Fuck Anyone Who's Not a Sea Blob, Part 2: Jules.

 Episode one aired back in December last year. Here however is a look at Jules episode.

Like episode one it was a lot. Both leads have a lot going on. Whilst this makes me wonder where the show will go for season two, as well as when season two will air? I was left with more questions than answers.

As both episodes survived as wordy therapy sessions. I felt exhausted after watching the almost hour of Jules review her relationship with Rue as well as her past.

Online dating apps and chatting to strangers was an interesting element of the episode. This show has a lot of raw emotion whilst being nothing like anything else on TV right now.

My mother watched some of the episode with me and was deeply confused. I think what young people are going through right now, is so different to even my generation and older. As a comfortable 38 year old, I see social media as deeply destructive and divisive. Look at what happened at the Capitol buildings recently. Also how did QAnon spread like wild fire?

Euphoria shines a light on how complex out relationships are, how anxious and on edge we are. It's tough viewing at times, but worth it. The special second episode airs now on Binge/Foxtel devices whilst a second HBO series is on the way.... sometime...

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