Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Film Freak 2011 - Morning Glory

A cheesy, predictable rom com this ain't, this is cute, funny and at times a little cringe worthy but still on a whole this is a perfect leave your worries at the door, sit back and relax kinda of movie going experience.

Harrison Ford is looking a million, Patrick Wilson is looking sexy and Diane Keaton was actually quite amusing as a ditzy morning television host.

If you think Sunrise is lame and morning TV is a real drag (yes 90% of people believe Breakfast TV is for the people of Penrith and beyond) then you will enjoy this piss take on how terrible and dumbed down Breakfast News (more like celeb gossip and dodgy cooking scenes)will suite you to a T!

Morning Glory was a surpise hit for me gaining 3 solid shiny breakfast stars.

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