Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Years Eve @ a little park called Luna Park

An ideal New Years is spent at home for a nana like me but an ideal new years in 2010 was spent with a lovely boy and the party goers at Luna Park this past year for me.

Luna Park was completely the most perfect place to catch up with the Fireworks, so great rides and have a dance and a jig to the likes of the FAB Nina Las Vegas or Sneaky Sound System.

This New Years X was my favourite new years of all time and I owe a lot of it to Luna Park and it's magic party atmosphere, it's rides and it's easy in and out to end the night on a high by getting home easily and without too much fuss and bother, love it!

Luna Park at New Years definitely my pick already for NYE 2011/2012, 5 stars!

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