Monday, August 1, 2011

Film Freak 2011 - Bad Teacher

Okay so after a female gross out movie like Bridesmaids, Bad Teacher with the dreamy Justin Timberlake and Cameron Diaz has a lot to live up to.

And missing my favourite line from the trailer as below:

I love the first line in this clip, LOL I am so 12.

Okay so to the movie, Cameron Diaz and Justin are great, the other star is Phyllis Smith she is fantastic and her delivery in the film is perfect. Also ace is Lucy Punch is someone you actually would punch if you worked with!

Some of the lines fall flat but a lot is funny and rude, I love a rude film. This movie has been a monster smash and made only for around 20 million it has already pulled in $178,375,000.

Jason Segel is the only annoying and rather lame character in Bad Teacher but other than that I was happy with this film and this may be a film I buy on DVD once released.

Bad Teacher rates 3 and a half rotten apples.

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